Sub-regional Dialogue on National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs), and Workshop on Target 3 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) for the Caribbean Countries
This event is hosted by the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UN CBD), in collaboration with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), and will include approximately eighty (80) representatives from across the Caribbean region including CBD National Focal Points and other relevant Government officials.
The NBSAP Dialogue will include sessions on experiences and lessons learned in revising or updating NBSAPs, including national target revision or setting, whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches, the integration of the Cartagena and Nagoya Protocols and relevant MEAs into the NBSAP and the development of a national monitoring plan for the NBSAP.
The Dialogue will also include dedicated in-depth discussions in breakout groups on (i) capacity-building and development and (ii) national biodiversity financing. The outcomes of the dialogue will serve as an input in the further piloting of an open-ended forum for voluntary country review of implementation under the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI), also requested in decision 15/6.
The Workshop on Target 3 of the GBF will provide technical support to the development and implementation of similar national targets. The NBSAP Dialogue will also feature a presentation on Monitoring National Targets and the work of the Caribbean Protected Areas Gateway (CPAG) by Research Assistant, Bianca Gittens.