Grenada: Blue Growth Coastal Master Plan (2016)
The Integrated Coastal Zone Management Policy for the tri-island State of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique provides a vision for the future use, development and protection of the nation’s coastal zone by setting out policies to guide relationships among resource users, community facilities and activities, and physical development and infrastructure.
The Integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) is a comprehensive approach to the management of the coastal zone that takes account of all of the sectoral activities that affect the coastal zone and its resources, dealing with economic and social issues as well as environmental and ecological concerns.
The coast in Grenada is a naturally variable and dynamic interface between the land and the sea. Generally, the country’s coastal zone is characterized by clear waters, along with the presence of several marine ecosystems, such as coral reefs, beaches, sea grass beds, mangrove swamps and coastal lagoons. These combined ecosystems are inhabited by approximately 70 marine or brackish water species, and more than 15 species of fresh water fish. There is almost continuous urban development along the west coast of mainland Grenada.
Area of interest: Grenada
Year: 2016